
Across stacks, platforms, and domains (e.g., eCommerce, fintech, healthcare, etc.), the engineering team can take on two software development types: greenfield and brownfield development. Each development type brings specific opportunities and challenges that require adapting various components and best practices of the development processes.



Greenfield development involves creating a system for a business domain and use case without existing code, i.e., starting from scratch. Beyond requiring a specific stack, the novel software might still have constraints, such as using specific dependencies (e.g., third-party services, libraries, etc.). However, the squad works on a clean slate where every part of the system must be defined and implemented.

Greenfield development usually occurs when a new business venture is set up, thus needs new software, or when an existing business opts to reimplement a new version of its existing software.


Working on a greenfield codebase brings the following advantages:

    module.exports = {
      purge: [],
      theme: {
        extend: {},
      variants: {},
      plugins: [],